Suhagra 25 MG Tablet can be enthralled with or deprived of food, as specified by your croaker. It's recommended that you take the tablet 30- 60 beats before having commerce. Still, you can also take it up to 4 hours prior to commerce. This drug will help you get uphold the construction only if you're sexually stimulated. Don't take spare capsules for quick results. Suhagra 25 MG Tablet is envisaged only for men. It isn't voluntary for use in women and children. Suhagra 25 MG Tablet isn't voluntary for people with heart and order problems, Avoid witching this tablet if you have a recent history of stroke or angina (casket pain and discomfort). Avoid or limit drinking alcohol during the action as it makes you feel dizzy. Don't drive or serve machines while you're under action with Suhagra 25 MG Tablet.