Is an African social network that is owned by Africans and its headqutors are in East Africa. The term Jamii Huru means Free community. The idea was generated after thinking these two questions 1. Why all social networks we use in Africa are from western countries like USA ?
2. Why when you need to advertise anything to Africans online you must pay a white man from USA or western companies like Facebook X or google ?
These two questions drived to launch this African social network that we can be proud of Made from Africa owned by Africans.
We conclude that For Africans to depend on western social networks to advertise or to communicate in their countries this is Neo colonialism that we need to fight against as our Fathers and Mothers Fought for colonialism in Africa.
Each street in African countries shall have an ambassador of, If you are appointed to be a street ambassador you will be paid $150 salary each month life time.
Your job description is to educate as many people as you can in your street so they use this African social media. And help them technically when they face difficulties when using this social media example helping them create an account, verifying an account and helping them withdraw their money.
So there will be local office in each African street for giving support to our social media users.
How to be the owner of this social media
You can be the owner of this social media by deposit your capital only $250 that will give you the right to access the admin status, you will acess the social media dashboard and track the revenues flow. You will see how the social media generates profits from membership subscription fees and advertising revenues
Every end of the month we divide the profit share to all owners of this social media. Example in the particular month the social media has generated revenue $10000 as profit and people who deposited $250 are ten so every one will take $1000
Welcome to our African social Media