Why should you trust investing on Jamii Huru social network and investment platform?

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In this article we are going to explain why investors should choose Jamiihuru.com as their prefered investment platform

It pains when you loose your money to fake platforms like MTFE and other scam platforms you know that have scamed people online pretending that they are investment platfoms

These type of fake platforms use AI robot trading as one of the feature that atract people to invest their money and gain daily profits. The trick they use are simple pay good some leaders who will attract many investors. always all types of scam sites dont live longer they dissaper within a year or two years they cant stay for more than 3 years since when they are launched because they are timing investors before they pay more tha what it is deposited by new investors.

Now the following are the resons why you should trust Jamiihuru.com to invest your money

  1. On jamiihuru.com you can talk with other investors you can discuss and chat live with other investors this build freedom of expression to every one. Scam sites cant allow this because if people can chat together they can expose any scam alert and all can withdraw their money at the same time.
  2. The platfom started since 2018 so it is more than 5 years now if it could fake site could disapper on 2019 or 2020.
  3. Jamiihuru.com generates money by offering buy and sell products on market place so it gains good commision from those who sell products on jamiihuru.com
  4. Jamiihuru.com also generates its revenues from Ads, and other premium services like AI content genaration so you invest your money that can be used in production (running the platform) hense you get paid the revenues genrated from the platform every day according to the amount of capital you invested.

Ally Saidi 3 i

This is great..